Paramedics assisting a victim after a catastrophic injury.

Legal Strategies For Handling Catastrophic Injury Claims Involving Multiple Parties

A catastrophic injury is often a traumatic and life-altering event for all parties involved. It’s essential to handle these cases properly to ensure that you are appropriately compensated for your injuries and that the guilty parties are held accountable for the damages caused. To make an already complicated situation worse, catastrophic injury cases that consist…

A judge using a gavel while in a courtroom.

How To Appeal A Denied Claim For Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries require extensive medical care. Victims need every penny they can get from insurance coverage to make it through tough times ahead. Unfortunately, denied catastrophic injury claims are more common than they should be.  Under Colorado law, victims have the right to appeal when their catastrophic injury claim has been denied. Here’s what you…

A broken leg in a white cast resting on an ottoman after a personal injury.

When To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

From slipping on ice to car crashes, accidents happen every day. In 2019, 24.8 million people sought medical care at a doctor’s office because of accidental injuries. In 2021, unintentional injuries sent 25.5 million people to hospital emergency rooms for treatment and claimed more than 224,000 lives.  Although there are times you may cause your…

A Lady Justice statue in front of a clock.

Statute Of Limitations For Catastrophic Injury Lawsuits

Catastrophic injury lawsuits are one type of personal injury case where injury victims can file to seek compensation from the at-fault party. Like all types of personal injury cases, catastrophic injury suits must be filed before the statute of limitations expires. Every state determines the time limit for lawsuits and whether there are exceptions to…

Two EMTs are helping a patient on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance after a catastrophic injury.

How Long Does A Catastrophic Injury Lawsuit Take?

Like other lawsuits, it can be difficult to determine exactly how long a catastrophic injury lawsuit may take. Many factors must be considered when determining a catastrophic injury lawsuit, such as how long it takes to collect evidence and build an argument and the cooperation between the opposing parties.  An experienced catastrophic injury attorney, such…

A view from the back as two women hug while sitting side by side. One offers support after a catastrophic injury.

When Hope Flickers: Rebuilding Lives After Catastrophic Injuries

Imagine your life suddenly altered by a car crash, a workplace accident, or medical negligence. Injuries in such extreme events can lead to severe physical and emotional trauma. The impact of these injuries goes way beyond just the physical pain. It can also affect your emotional well-being, relationships, financial stability, and the ability to participate…

women with bandage compression knee brace support on her knee injury

What to Know About The Accommodations Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

When victims suffer catastrophic injuries after an accident, their lives are often never the same. They have permanent injuries that change the way they’re able to move, work, and live their lives. Some won’t be able to return to their job because they can’t complete the same duties as they used to. Others will need…

person who is drinking handing his keys to a designated driver
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December Is Drunk Driving Awareness Month

Drinking during the holiday season usually starts on Blackout Wednesday, the night before Thanksgiving, and continues through New Year’s. During this time of year, December is one of the deadliest months to be on the roads with more impaired and drunk drivers. To bring awareness to this issue, December is designated as Drunk Driving Awareness…

doctor consulting family member of a catastrophic injury victim in a family meeting

Questions to Ask During a Family Meeting After a Catastrophic Injury

After a loved one experiences a catastrophic injury, you and your family will often have numerous questions regarding their condition, the extent of the injuries, their prognosis, and whether they will recover. There will usually be a family meeting to help ensure you get answers to all your questions. WHAT IS A FAMILY MEETING? A…

man and woman calculating finances on a calculator

Dealing with the Financial Aspect of a Catastrophic Injury

Catastrophic injuries are severe life-altering injuries. People with these injuries typically need long-term medical care. Their injuries can affect their quality of life and ability to perform routine tasks. Consequently, many people with catastrophic injuries struggle with financial issues stemming from their condition.  In addition to incurring medical expenses, those with a catastrophic injury may…