Psychological Effects of Catastrophic Injuries

Psychological Effects of Catastrophic Injuries

Suffering from a catastrophic injury changes life as you know it. In the blink of an eye, things are different. You have medical bills. You’re unable to work. Things that you used to take for granted may suddenly seem impossible. Not all your damages are physical. Psychological injuries are a common part of almost any…

Your Guide to Structured Settlements and Catastrophic Injuries

Your Guide to Structured Settlements and Catastrophic Injuries

You’re badly injured in a sudden accident, and another party is at fault for what happened. As a result, you decide to bring a claim for financial compensation. When it’s time to negotiate a settlement, the other side suggests resolving the case with a structured settlement. What is a structured settlement and how do you…

Injured person meeting with lawyer in their office

What If My Injury Causes a Permanent Disability?

Unfortunately, some injuries result in permanent disability, which can be devastating for victims and their families. When that occurs, you need to know your rights. What does the law have to say about permanent disability? What benefits can you receive when you’re completely unable to work? How can you support your family and your medical…

family member consoling injured loved one in hospital

5 Steps to Navigating Medical Decisions in the Event of Catastrophic Injury

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. My mother was hit and killed by a concrete truck while crossing a street near her home. Her death was an unthinkable tragedy, and my family is far from alone in suffering such a loss. But in my professional life as a personal injury lawyer, we encounter many more…