person who is drinking handing his keys to a designated driver
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December Is Drunk Driving Awareness Month

Drinking during the holiday season usually starts on Blackout Wednesday, the night before Thanksgiving, and continues through New Year’s. During this time of year, December is one of the deadliest months to be on the roads with more impaired and drunk drivers. To bring awareness to this issue, December is designated as Drunk Driving Awareness…

doctor consulting family member of a catastrophic injury victim in a family meeting

Questions to Ask During a Family Meeting After a Catastrophic Injury

After a loved one experiences a catastrophic injury, you and your family will often have numerous questions regarding their condition, the extent of the injuries, their prognosis, and whether they will recover. There will usually be a family meeting to help ensure you get answers to all your questions. WHAT IS A FAMILY MEETING? A…

man and woman calculating finances on a calculator

Dealing with the Financial Aspect of a Catastrophic Injury

Catastrophic injuries are severe life-altering injuries. People with these injuries typically need long-term medical care. Their injuries can affect their quality of life and ability to perform routine tasks. Consequently, many people with catastrophic injuries struggle with financial issues stemming from their condition.  In addition to incurring medical expenses, those with a catastrophic injury may…

Kyle Bachus In Camera Podcast

Kyle Speaks About Death To Wrongful Marketing

Kyle joins Liel and Grace in the In Camera Podcast, for a profound conversation where he discusses when the unthinkable happened to him and his family, and the way Bachus & Schanker reinvented their marketing strategy and message for one that puts the needs and priorities of victims first. Listen online, on Spotify, or Apple…

worried person with crossed hands and calculator and glasses


The sudden loss of a loved one can leave surviving family members in a difficult financial position. As devastating as death can be, there’s also the added pressure of unpaid bills and funeral costs to think about. However, there may be some monetary support available through death benefits. Here are some options that can help…

social security survivor benefits documents

Social Security Survivor’s Benefits: Info & Eligibility

After suddenly losing a loved one, surviving family members are often left with many unanswered questions, including how to cope with the financial consequences of the loss. However, there may be several death benefits that can financially help you and your family during this challenging time. Social Security may be one of those options. Here…

man holding the shoulder of woman who is sad

Things to Take Care of After a Loved One’s Death

When you lose a loved one, the emotional and mental effects are immediate. The shock and grief can often feel overwhelming, making it difficult to focus on the practical challenges that happen after someone passes away. However, there are things you’ll need to handle during this time. Here’s what to consider after your loss. 1….