EMTs rushing a stretcher into a hospital. Everything but the ambulance is out of focus.

Do I Need a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer?

If you or a loved one has unfortunately suffered a catastrophic injury as a result of another person’s negligence, you are likely entitled to receive compensation for your damages, both physical and emotional. As such, your best bet for obtaining these damages is to work with an experienced catastrophic injury attorney. By retaining an experienced…

A broken leg in a white cast resting on an ottoman after a personal injury.

When To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

From slipping on ice to car crashes, accidents happen every day. In 2019, 24.8 million people sought medical care at a doctor’s office because of accidental injuries. In 2021, unintentional injuries sent 25.5 million people to hospital emergency rooms for treatment and claimed more than 224,000 lives.  Although there are times you may cause your…